Generally the minimum size recommended for container for housing Discus will be in the neighborhood of 50-60 liters, with larger tanks are required if many Discus are kept. Water quality is very important to drive, so a filter that will convert the tank for at least five times per hour is needed, but even more water transport has been suggested even closer to eight to ten times per hour. Discus should be quite warm, so that more of the heater power is required. Fri watts per gallon of water is minimal heating, and this is a very good idea to use two heaters, and not one. If the heater goes to your tank, there would be a second heater to keep the temperature steady temperature, instead of the leaden visak.Sigurno top of your aquarium's condition, glass is generally a good choice because it allows more light options if you keep live plants. Substrate (gravel) will vary not only a personal opinion, but also function. Some recommend a bare bottom, a thing layer of gravel, and those who are keeping live plants will usually want to plant a specialized foundation to encourage good root growth.
Once the tank is set up with all the right equipment, it is important to start the aquarium through their normal biological ciklusa.Novi tank is not cycled the drive, it should be skied with other more hardy fish. After several weeks the tank will be cycled and the fish used to prepare the tank can give to friends or donated to local pet stores in most cases. Your tank should then be ready to introduce its first Discus. Generally in the tank of 50 gallon size three to five disk can be located with relative comfort. Larger containers will allow for more fish, the general rule of thumb for Discus is one fish per ten gallons. Your Discus tank temperature should be increased until the mid-80s, and they will handle temperatures in the upper 80s and still be relatively comfortable.
Regular water changes, or de-chlorinated tap water or deionized or reverse osmosis purified water is generally considered extremely important in the Discus tank. Weekly changes in water ten to fifteen percent of water in the tank will not only help with water quality and color of the fish, it will also stimulate faster growth of fish. Replacement media filters on a regular basis is also important, usually once every month. Installation of lighting at times is a good idea for any aquarium, so that will give the fish a regular day and night cycle, and if there are live plants in an aquarium that also keeps the plants from getting too little or too much light.
All these things are just a touch on the surface of the holding, but the bottom line is anyone with a couple of years of keeping tropical fish can make the plunge in Discus keeping, and will most likely have good success when patience is used and proper nutrition, equipment and water quality at the site. There are a variety of websites focused on Discus available on the Internet, and there have been many books published about the Discus. It is recommended to read and research as possible before deciding to switch to these beautiful fish, but most who make the change never look back.
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